Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gender Wage Gap

Why do we continue to see gender inequality in pay?  Below is a list of several articles focused on the topic of the gender wage gap. Choose 2 articles of interest to you to compare and contrast. Consider the following questions. 

  1. What explanations are offered in the articles for the gender wage gap?
  2. Do the articles suggest an improvement in the gap? Why/Why Not?
  3. What are your reactions to the articles... do you agree or disagree? What points stood out to you most? 
  4. What do you think women should do to try to improve the wage gap? 
Synthesize your responses in a brief 1-2 paragraph post due by 10 am Friday 11/30. Be sure to include the name/link of the articles you are responding to in your post. Feel free to include reactions to the CNBC interview as well (linked below). 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sex-Roles Inventory

Click this link: Bem Sex-Roles Inventory and complete the survey. Record your results on a separate sheet of paper. Do you agree or disagree? Why do you think you see the results you did? Be prepared to discuss.