Why do we continue to see gender inequality in pay? Below is a list of several articles focused on the topic of the gender wage gap. Choose 2 articles of interest to you to compare and contrast. Consider the following questions.
- What explanations are offered in the articles for the gender wage gap?
- Do the articles suggest an improvement in the gap? Why/Why Not?
- What are your reactions to the articles... do you agree or disagree? What points stood out to you most?
- What do you think women should do to try to improve the wage gap?
Synthesize your responses in a brief 1-2 paragraph post due by 10 am Friday 11/30. Be sure to include the name/link of the articles you are responding to in your post. Feel free to include reactions to the CNBC interview as well (linked below).
- Gender Pay Gap Persists (USA Today)
- Gender Pay Gap by Industry (NYTimes)
- Don't Blame Discrimination for Gender Wage Gap (Bloomberg)
- The Vicious Cycle of the Gender Pay Gap (Time Magazine)
- Among Doctors, Too, Women are Paid Less (NY Times)
- Closing the Gender Wage Gap for Economic Stimulus (Huffington Post)
- Gender Wage Gap May be Smaller than You Think (Wall Street Journal)
CNBC Interview